
Hello, Namaste, Salam, Sata srī akāla, Bula, Vaṇakkam

Asha, meaning ‘hope’ in Hindi, is the name of Asian Family Services’ support service for South Asians living in New Zealand.

Our service started to respond to the increasing number of South Asians who needed help with their gambling problems.

Asha’s counselling and support is free of charge, completely confidential and is available for anyone impacted by harmful gambling. This includes the person who is gambling and anyone else who is being impacted by someone else’s gambling, such as a family member, friend or other.

Our counsellor speaks Hindi and English and will provide support that is culturally appropriate for our South Asian population.

Alongside counselling, Asha also focuses on raising awareness about gambling harm, letting people know that there is help available, and that it really does help to talk to someone about their problems.

It is Okay to ask for support.
Call Asha-on 0800 862 342 and press 6 for Hindi.

Team Profile

Our Asha team includes three trained professionals who provides counselling and emotional support.



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