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3. Or phone your local DHB Mental Health Crisis Team (CATT Team)
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Born and raised in Taiwan, Eva came to New Zealand as an international student at the age of 17.
Co-founded the Wellbeing Charitable Trust in 2014 after being a full time mum for 8 years.
She has experienced the challenges for stay home mum getting back to workforce with lack of local working experience, discrimination as a start up working mum, intra-racism as a Asian woman working in a prodominately Asian men working spaces.
Eva works for Wellbeing Charitable Trust, the Hawaiki Project, Ethnic people's advisory panel in Auckland Council, community liaison in Electoral Commission, Kāpuia member as the Ministerial Advisory Group on the Government’s Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch mosques and the Community Engagement Advisor in Census 2023.
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