If you or someone else need help, please call our Asian Helpline on 0800 862 342 to make an appointment.
You can also follow our official WeChat account where we upload our latest activities, workshops or other information related to gambling. Our official WeChat account ID is AFS_0800862342 or search our name 亚裔家庭服务中心
31 Carbine Road,
Mount Wellington,
Auckland, 1060
New Zealand
Please park in front of the building where the Asian Family Services signs are visible.
Unit GE
43 Omega Street,
Auckland, 0632
New Zealand
Level 3,
39 Webb St,
Mount Cook,
Wellington, 6012
New Zealand
The Loft
Level 1, Eastgate Shopping Centre,
20 Buckleys Road,
Christchurch, 8062