Gambling Harm Destigmatisation within Asian Communities in Aotearoa New Zealand

This report, titled "Gambling Harm Destigmatisation within Asian Communities in Aotearoa New Zealand," is a qualitative study conducted by the University of Auckland's Centre for Arts and Social Transformation in collaboration with Asian Family Services. The study aims to explore and understand the stigma associated with gambling harm within Asian communities in New Zealand. By focusing on Chinese and South Asian populations, the research delves into how stigma is perceived and its impact on help-seeking behaviours.

Through in-depth interviews, the study highlights the cultural and social factors contributing to gambling harm and the barriers these communities face in seeking help. The findings underscore the importance of culturally sensitive interventions and the need for public health strategies that address stigma, promote open discussions, and encourage help-seeking within these communities. The report also provides recommendations for improving support services and raising awareness about gambling harm in a way that is culturally appropriate and effective for diverse Asian communities in New Zealand.

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Final Report Gambling Harm Destigmatisation Within Asian Communities In Aotearoa NZ


AFS Research

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